We believe tamariki learn and develop best in an early childhood environment that is safe and inclusive, where kaiako view and respect tamariki as competent and capable, holding high aspirations for every tamariki.  The kaiako role is as a co-researcher and co-constructor in the learning process, which allows tamariki to explore, question, reflect, problem solve, theorise, and encourages their self-expression. Kaiako document the work of tamariki in a positive way, enabling tamariki to revisit their learning with their whaanau. 

Tamariki and whaanau are at the centre of our learning philosophy. We acknowledge that tamariki learn through the relationships they form and experiences they have. We value the collaborative relationships that we have with whaanau and welcome their participation in our programme to ensure we are responsive to their needs. We reflect a whaanau environment for our tamariki with kaiako working as a team and opportunities for tamariki to learn about caring for each other through play with tamariki of different ages and their siblings.  We incorporate the Principles, Strands and Goals of Te Whaariki – He Whaariki Maatauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa – The Early Childhood Curriculum, which reflects these holistic ways tamariki learn, grow, and strive to achieve outcomes consistent with Te Ara Poutama Indicators of Quality for Early Childhood Education.  

Our Centre and kaiako are also guided by the Educational Leadership Capabilities Framework. This framework informs our approach to leadership development, supporting our kaiako to shape and critically reflect on programmes, individual pathways, overall practice and organisational strengths and needs. From these critical reflections and demonstration of new capabilities, we generate priorities for professional learning and continuous growth, and therefore our leadership capacity. Quality educational leadership enables innovation and the spread of best practice amongst our kaiako, which results in positive learning outcomes for our tamariki.  

The outcomes we work towards with our tamariki focus on supporting them to develop into confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to our community. 


Our programmes are founded on the guiding principles of Te Whaariki 'the woven mat' – the early childhood curriculum of the Ministry of Education.  These principles are used to weave your child's learning journey - empowerment, holistic development, family, whaanau & community, and relationships.

We observe the individual child’s needs, interests and strengths and plan activities based around these.  Each child is guided to develop at an individual pace according to his or her unique, individual way.  


Our centre promotes the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, bicultural learning and celebrates cultural diversity.

We use Te Reo Maaori and tikanga in daily routines and work in partnership with whaanau to enhance the learning experience of tamariki.

We have teachers that speak a range of languages (Samoan, Nuiean, Hindi) who share their cultures with the children in planned learning and everyday interactions.


We prepare our four year olds for transitioning to school with a structured learning programme designed to foster literacy and language skills.  Alongside these skills, we enable children to prepare for school by encouraging self-care skills such as dressing, toileting, and managing a lunchbox as well as developing social skills that assist when exploring the big world of primary school.

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